Monday, 16 November 2015

Win 3 A-The NPHC Project week 3

Hi Kids!This is our first blogging week with the Not perfect Hat Club!!Isn't it great?!.We' ll share our ideas with kids from around the world.

Mistakes Happen!
Task 1

1)Twitter Slow Chat Discussion: What kind of creative activities do you like and why? What do you try to say or express with your creativity?

Post your comments on this special CANVAS 


You can also use   the hashtag #NPHCBlogIt with every Tweet you post.Tweet and comment on other classes' comments!! 
Task  2
2)Blogging Question for the Week: Newton felt bad about what happened to Jabber and apologized. Describe a time when you wanted to apologize to a friend. 
Post your ideas  HERE

Task 3) We can also discuss the following topics.
Additional Questions for Exploration
1. Has anyone ever apologized to you? Did the apology help you feel better? Why or why not?
2.  Do you think flyball is a way for Newton to get enough exercise?  Which kinds of exercise do you like?
3.  Why do you think Cooper bragged about himself and made fun of Newton? Is Cooper being a bully? Why or why not?

4. What do you think Jabber and Kylee are trying to express with their poetry and violin music?

4) In groups we will discover Flyball and Slam Poetry!!: Check the links below

Research the history of flyball and how teams compete.  Here are some questions to answer
1. How many dogs compete on one team?
2. How high are the hurdles the dogs jump over and how is it decided?
3. Why is it so important to have a short dog on your team?
4. What kinds of dogs are best at flyball?
5. Does a dog have to be a purebred to participate in flyball?
6. Find and share your favorite flyball videos on your blog with other classes.  

Post your Flyball videos and comment HERE

Flyball Links:
1. Wikipedia:
2. Team Unruly:
3.  What is Flyball:
4. Crufts Championships:

Slam Poetry: Research slam poetry and how it is different from other kinds of poetry
Slam Poetry Links:
1. Definition and Examples
2. Examples

Creative Activities


Write a Selfie Poem
– Take a  photo or draw a self-portrait of yourself
– Write a “Selfie Poem” that tells all the things that make you special. Here is a template you can use:
Selfie Poem–Template
I am… (two special characteristics)
I understand… (something you know is true)
I worry… (something you worry about)
I believe… (something you believe)
I hope… (something you hope)
I am… (repeat your first line)
I am… (two special characteristics)
I dream about… (something you dream about)
I wonder… (something you’re curious about)
I try… (something you try to do)
I want… (something you want)
I am… (repeat your first line)

Post your poems and selfies  HERE

Week 3 has just begun!This is our Window to the World! This is us!Have fun blogging!!! 



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