Week #4B
Reading: Read Chapters 10, 11 and 12
Twitter: If you could be any of the dogs in The Not Perfect Hat Club, which would you want to be and why?
Creative Activities – Creating a Flyball Team: Part 2
A Canine Portrait of Me!
Which of the members of the Not Perfect Hat Club canine team do you feel is the most like you?
1. Choose one of the members of the Not Perfect Hat Club Flyball team.
2. Using Ms. Jenaia’s instructions from the video, draw a portrait of yourself as a dog.
3. Write a short paragraph telling us why
you chose that dog and what your portrait says about you. Here is an
example you can follow:
The dog I chose was (add the name)
I chose him/her because he/she is (use adjectives)
I think (add dog’s name) is like me because (tell us why)
Creating a Flyball Team
Divide your class into groups of 4 or 6. Each group will be a
different a Flyball team. Each group should work on the exercises
Name and Colors
Have the name and colors your chose last week ready to go.
1. Do you want your team to wear matching hats, shirts, pants and shoes? Make a list of clothing you’d like your team to wear.
2. How would you put your team colors on your clothes? For example,
would you like your clothes to be one color with stripes? Here are some
examples to give you ideas:
3. Using the templates below add colors, designs and logos to your clothes then share with everyone on your blogs and Twitter:
Choose a Theme Song
1.Listen to the Not Perfect Hat Club Song and think about the messages it gives:
2. Talk about the messages you want your Flyball team song to have. Make a list of adjectives on the board.
3. Make a list of songs you think would be good for your team. Hint: Try searching for “inspirational team songs”
4. Find the songs on YouTube and play them. Listen carefully not just to the music but to the words.
5. Vote on which song you’d like to use for your Flyball team on this
Share Your Flyball Team’s Name, Colors and Clothing on Your Blogs and Twitter!